Team formation for Weekend #45 will be starting in September!
Check your inbox or re-visit here for more information!
If time doesn't allow your schedule to include team meetings and the entire Weekend, there are several different ways listed below to participate!
Each of us should use whatever gift we have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's Grace in its various forms.
If you would like to serve on a weekend,
See our Team Application Page. Download Application and send to
Kairos Outside Houston
PO Box 841213
Houston, Texas 77284
or email to
If you are donating Agape for a Kairos Outside Houston Weekend, please keep the following Kairos Prison Ministry International policies in mind:
If you have Agape to give or would like more information, please email Kairos Outside Houston AGAPE at
We are looking for Spiritual Leaders for our Weekends! If you are a lady and hold a Clergy License/Credentials and have a desire to serve on a Kairos Outside Weekend, please let us know, email:
If God has Blessed you with the talent of music, be it playing an instrument or vocal, please let us know, email:
Are you interested in continuing your table family confidential atmosphere? Send an email to
Enter "S.W.A.P." (Share Witness, Account, Pray) in subject line! The Woodlands-Conroe group is meeting monthly! South Houston group is forming soon!
NOT ONE IN YOUR AREA? Don't wait on the Council to start one.... you can do it! Call a couple of folks in the Kairos family, then pick a date and location. It's that easy!
Did you know that Kairos Outside sends speakers to Kairos Inside Closings? If you are interested in attending a Kairos Inside Closing Ceremony, as a speaker for Kairos Outside, either now or in the future, please let us know, email:
The deadline for applications are usually 3-4 weeks before Closing. Also, you cannot attend a Closing if you are on that particular Unit's visitor list.
We do not ask that you commit to a specific time to pray for the Weekend, but only that you keep the Weekend Guests, Team and Volunteers in your continued prayers.
Only your first name will be used on the Prayer Vigil to ensure confidentiality. To sign up for the Prayer Vigil, let us know at Kairos Outside Houston Prayer Partner,
Attend "Walking in Love" and/or a "Closing"
Come show your support and love for the ladies who attend this Weekend! Information regarding Walking in Love and Closing will be sent via the Kairos Outside Houston email list. If you are not on the email list and would like to be added, please visit our "Contact Us" page and follow instructions to be added.
Become a Weekend Servant - Day Angel.
There are some very special people who come to help on the Kairos Outside Weekends. They serve behind the scenes to help keep things running. They may be the first to arrive and the last to leave. We refer to these gifts as "Day Angels". We encourage you to make a commitment for a few hours or an entire day to support the Kitchen or Agape Teams, run errands, provide transportation, pray in the Speaker's Chapel, or assist with set up in the Chapel.
To sign up to be a "Day Angel", please
See our Day Angel Application Page. Download Application and send to Kairos Outside Houston or email the Angel Coordinator at
Chair - Natalie Porteous
Vice-Chair - Robin Bruso
Secretary - Dianna Jackson
Financial Secretary - Christy Dobbs-Perez
Treasurer - Libby Allen
Facility Coordinator - Don Allen
Recruiting Coordinator - Dianna Jackson
Fundraising Coordinator - Dawn Doughten
Agape Coordinator - Mark Parcel
Spiritual Director - Denise Lloyd
Continuing Ministry Assistant - Diana Flores
Data & Communications Coordinator - Dana Parcel
The Advisory Council meetings are open to anyone who is a part of the
Kairos Outside Houston Community and are welcome to join our Advisory Council meetings,
unless they are a closed meeting.
Come join us to see what is happening in Kairos Outside Houston Advisory Council Committee
See "EVENTS" page for meeting dates and times.
We now have a Newsletter that is sent out quarterly. This Newsletter is another way of keeping up with what is going on within the Kairos Outside Houston Community. If you would like to receive the Kairos Outside Houston Newsletter, please send us your request at the link below.
Click on the links below, you will be amazed!
Kairos Prison Ministry Website
My Kairos Website
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